Sunday, May 27, 2012

Goodbye Ottawa, hello Nunavut!

I should really be sleeping right now, but I feel like a wee blog is appropriate before I hop on the plane in 6 hours and make my way across the country to a new destination.

These past 6 months have been crazy and full of emotional ups and downs, never-ending preparation and a lot of revving myself up for the big moment.

To recap quickly, I am about to make my move to the far far North. In fact, so far North that my back neighbours will be Russia. I will fully admit when this move first came up, I felt like someone was pulling out my teeth; but as the months have gone on, I've become so excited to take on a new adventure in a strange place and show my kids some culture and mountains, as well as leave the world of traffic jams, humid weather, and an all-to-busy lifestyle.

That being said though, I want all of you to know that my time out East has been fantastic and filled with the most amazing people! I met my best friend Anna just weeks after arriving in Montreal and continued to meet people that made lasting impacts in my life - you will never be forgotten.
My time in Ottawa was probably the most influential time in my life and every fiber of my being changed into something new and foreign to me. It was as though, amongst all the busy city living, peace and tranquility swept over me and forced me to slow down and appreciate everything and everyone I came into contact with - baggage or no baggage.

In a matter of hours I will be hopping on a plane and making my way over to Alberta to crash for a few days and hang out with my parents and 4 days later, I will get on another plane and make my way to the Arctic to meet new amazing people and learn all kinds of new things about myself, my family and the world we live in. We have sold all of our possessions other than books, toys, and clothes, and will be mortgage free for at least 4 years. (Yay!)

People keep asking if I'm nervous and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't - however, the only thing I'm actually nervous about are my kids adjusting. We will be dealing with a time change, them going back to daycare after having been home with me since November, new people, new climate, and when we get there 24 hour daylight. I'm really hoping and praying they just transition smoothly.

Anyways, I really should sleep as my daughter is not the best flyer.... :(

Thank you again to all you lovely people I have met over the past 5 years. Remember that relationships worth keeping need constant work and acknowledgment from both parties and I will do my very best to keep those closest to me still a major part of my life.

Until my next blog....

Wishing you all the best,
Beck xox

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