Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Am I Supposed To Accept This As My Normal?

Today I was finally starting to feel like my life was getting back to normal. Sophia was very sick the last two weeks and had been throwing up for 7 days, about five times a day. We spent a night in the hospital and it turned out, after a lot of invasive tests, that she had a bowel obstruction that was causing things to go back up and instead of letting it go through.
After we got home from the hospital, her and I went to bed and slept the whole day. I woke up feeling nauseous and weak and ended up being sick as a dog and passing out if I stood too long. It just felt like it was never ending.
The next day, things seemed to be getting back to normal, she was keeping food down and passing it properly, I was keeping food down and attributed my illness to exhaustion; so the following day we were ready to have Seb come home. The next few days were crazy! Sophia was in a such a mood, and was starving. I couldn't feed her enough. I felt like I was going to go insane. Seb was hyper and needed his usual attention, showing me everything that came into his line of sight; and Sophia needed to be held continuously and didn't want to be alone for even a second. At night, she would cry and cry and cry and panic if I left her alone, meanwhile I was trying to resume our normal routine from before all the madness.
The last couple of days have finally started to feel pretty decent, other than at night; but of course, today Seb decided it was his turn to get sick. It couldn't be worse timing, because amidst all this crazy, I am trying to sell my house and have put off getting it on the market for almost two weeks now and tomorrow I have two showings and just can't cancel them.
I'm wondering if I should just start accepting that this will be my normal from here on in?
Here's the up side to all of this...
-The las two weeks were so intense on me and took everything out of me, that I have built up this thick skin and a "c'est la vie" attitude to it all.
-Dealing with a 3 year old who is vomiting is so much easier! When you say "Get sick in the toilet", he actually throws up in the toilet. (This will save me mountains of laundry and potential stains.)
-After said 3 year old vomits, he just wants to lie on the couch and watch a movie, unlike 20 month old baby who wants to scream and be held 24/7. (This gives me a moment to breathe.)
-I have figured out how to think logically through all of this and do only what works for me, so I emailed my real estate agent and told her we would be staying home tomorrow for both showings.
-And finally, I don't think much of anything will surprise me anymore at this point, so I guess...


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