Thursday, January 19, 2012

Writing Things Down Is The Best Remedy

As most of you know, I've done this blogging thing before. I write for a few months, then life gets busy and I stop. It's pretty typical of my life. However, back in November I left my job and pulled the kids out of daycare to stay home with them because their dad took a job in the arctic and I wanted to be sure I could be emotionally and physically available 24/7 through the big change of no longer having their dad around. I knew from the beginning that I was so lucky to even have the opportunity to be able to do this, seeing as the majority of moms out there that lose the support of their spouses (for whatever reason), have to maintain working a full-time job, caring for their children and pretending to have a life of their own. Some are lucky enough to have family close by, others are forced to go it alone. Any mom knows that raising a child is by far the hardest job on the face of the planet; but whether you're getting a lot of help or little, to what seems like no help from your spouse, I hope you don't take it for granted. (I know I sure did).
The purpose of this blog, is more of a therapeutic practice for myself. I find when you write things down, it's the best way to cleanse your mind, free your soul, and have a real, clear overview of what is really going on in your head and in your life. I'm hoping that while I do a little work on myself, maybe something I write will help put something into perspective for anyone who decides to read this, or just help you realize that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
I'm also hoping that in doing this, I will be able to follow-through with this for more than just a few months. This, right now, is just the beginning of my adventure, because as of summer, I will be writing these posts from the arctic.
Today, my brain is fuzz - a cluttered mess of stress and confusion, a back-log of thoughts piling on top of other thoughts, and I'm hoping that in a month or two, my mind will be clear and focused, and I will feel like I have a handle on who I am and who I'm trying to become.
And please, if any of you decide to follow this and you notice that I'm slacking on my posts, give me a swift, electronic kick in the pants.
This blog won't just be about being a mom - it will be about "me" as whole. Self-identity, struggles, hopes, dreams, future-plans, lessons I'm learning, specific topics on health, food, anything!... It will be my thoughts written down.
So tomorrow's topic: STRESS! What is does to us, what it's doing to me, ideas of how to cope with it and hopefully some feedback on how all of you deal with it.
So until tomorrow.... Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. So you are really going! An amazing adventure to say the least but I will be sad to see my little sister leave
